561-283-6337 info@entrytech.com

Machinery & Equipment Sales

We have established contacts with dealers in manufacturing machinery and heavy duty construction equipment in various parts of the world. Therefore, we can locate often difficult to find equipment quickly and economically. Our clients do not have to waste their time searching for equipment and we significantly reduce or in most cases eliminate the expenses associated with sending employees on multiple trips to test equipment and to arrange shipment.

Some of the best values are found in the used machinery market. Machinery is depreciated quickly in America and many large American companies are encouraged to upgrade and sell equipment that usually have many more service years left. This creates opportunities for significant savings with used machinery and heavy equipment to industrial companies from all over the world.

Entrytech can also provide testing prior to you purchasing any product. This ensures that any equipment purchased is fully functional and operational. We also work with your shipping company and equipment dealer to coordinate the delivery of equipment.


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